Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

apa itu toefl

In modern times we all need to learn English, the language made in the international language. In Indonesia, English is taught starting in elementary school since. In high school, many schools are programmed using two languages ​​for its students can use English fluently.
In English we must understand the TOEFL, many people still do not understand what it is TOEFL?
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an English language test designed to determine the level of mastery in the understanding of English, TOEFL addressed to people who do not use language as the language of Britain day - day / language interaction with the surrounding environment. TOEFL test was developed and conducted by ETS (Educational Testing Service) a non-profit organization based in the United States and was first held in 1964.
TOEFL is an English language ability of a person's portfolio is generally based on the standard U.S. English, which covers four aspects of domination: Listening, Writing, Speaking, and Reading.
At first, the TOEFL is required for students in countries whose primary language is not English, but want to continue their studies states that the official language is English, like the United States, Canada, and Western European countries.
It is necessary to ensure that students from the non-English speaking can follow lectures in English speaking countries as well. Among other things:A. Ensure that the student teachers understand the description given in English (listening skills)2. Students understand the books required textbook (reading skills).3. Students are able to make scientific writing with correct grammar (writing & grammar skills).To be accepted in western countries, the TOEFL has two general objectives are: Academic and General. In similar fashion, TOEFL certification recommendations could be used for both.
Academic test is used for educational purposes, research or academic-related activities abroad, or in Indonesia. To graduate, usually a minimum value is 550. whereas for S1 is 500
General is generally used for the purpose of employment, promotion or job assignment. Many companies that install standard English TOEFL employees to see the value of - his. Generally, a minimum TOEFL score is 500 for standard promotions.
TOEFL institution does not necessarily allow the world body - a kind of educational institution issuing the certificate. TOEFL institution world officially designate certain agencies to issue a certificate that is recognized worldwide.
Currently, many universities abroad that offer educational programs with one of the main requirements to meet specific TOEFL scores indicating proficiency in English. .
TOEFL scoring system using the conversion of each correct answer. TOEFL scores are the highest attainable one is 675.
Prospective students must have a minimum TOEFL score of 500 (Europe), even for the United States, TOEFL score required is 550. (The maximum value is the TOEFL Paper Based Test 677).
TOEFL is usually required for admission in 2400 a number of universities in the U.S., Canada and 80 other countries in the world. Not only for educational purposes only overseas, domestically there are some reputable universities that require a certain TOEFL scores as a condition of graduation.TOEFL test value below 450 indicates that proficiency in English is still the standard (or even lower) so it is advisable to follow the English language. While the value of 450-499 indicates that English language skills above average but there are still some things that need to be established again (Reviewed) is in its structure, listening, or reading it depends where the lowest value.
Although we have economic problems that can not follow English language courses, we can also understand the TOEFL by viewing television broadcasts that use the English language.
In Indonesia was a lot of television stations that broadcast on English education, in the event we can hear the person speaking, reading meanings that already exist in the event.
We can also ask for help in teaching the people who already understand the English language without providing compensation in the form of money or the practice of trying to talk to someone who understands English, read and write using the English language, the most important thing we can understand the English language (TOEFL) for the benefit of our own.

1 komentar:

  1. Read more about TOEFL here If you understand Russian^^
